Recruitment that 'WORKS'

Labour Hire



In Auckland and across the country there are tens of thousands of temps/casuals being employed by both small and large businesses. For many businesses this is the norm. It is an efficient and effective way to recruit personnel whilst maintaining complete control over your wage budget.

This is particularly effective when dealing with seasonal fluctuations and when your business is demand based.

Yes, you can get Temps / Casual personnel from many other agencies out there; however if you have a requirement

Permanent Recruitment Experts


  • Readily available pool of candidates to choose from. (Covering most industry sectors, if we don’t have them immediately we will get them for you within a couple of days).
  • Customised bulk recruitment and specific pools for designated clients from spider personnel labour hire
  • Thorough application and recruitment process. Personalised so spider personnel , the labour hire agency supply you the best.
  • On-Site drug tests by our qualified drug assessor – saving you significant costs and mistakes
  • Deal with skilled and experienced consultants – All consultants are either formally qualified in HR, and or are experienced recruiters. We don’t hire just anyone. There is a science behind it.
  • Ethical approach to labour supply – Proper care of candidates, Yes they are casuals but there are not a number, they get treated the right way with us, that is why our casuals work so much harder and are so much more reliable compared to our competitors.
  • Consistency of quality of labour Hire – We endeavour to supply you the right person each time, every time. It’s not an exact science but if we make a mistake we will fix it, you have our WORD on it.
  • Testing and assessments: Drug Test, Reference Checks, MOJ checks, License Checks and Driving Tests. We do this both in-house and outsource certain aspects, however rest assured that the process is robust and thorough so you will get exactly what you want.
  • Transparency in Labour Hire : Ever wondered what your temp earns and how much the agency makes, We breakdown our charge rate so you know exactly who gets what !!
  • Communication – Part of our success comes from out excellent communication and after sales service. Pick up that phone, call us night or day and find out for yourself.
  • 24/7 Availability: This is a great one. All agencies claim they do, but no one picks up, phone just rings, or a message is left and you receive a call 2 days later. NOT HERE! We are available, day or night, weekday or weekend.


Skilled Labourers
Hoist Drivers
Reach Operators
Man Up Operators
Machine Operators
Delivery Drivers
Trades and Technical
Truck Drivers (Class 2-5)

Concrete Drivers

Production Temps
Office Support
Data Entry Operators
Call Centre Temps
Customer Services
Accounts Support
Accounts Receivables
Accounts Payables
Office Managers
Senior Managers
Accounts Support
Contract Managers
Credit Controllers
Accounts Payables

Is searching for a job through Spider Personnel the best job search method?

Yes, we believe so. Spider Personnel Ltd has 5 star reviews on both Facebook and Google and ‘people don’t lie’. They are an experienced and professional bunch. Whilst they can’t guarantee people, no one can. They do guarantee their hiring service. With prompt responses and open and honest communication. With over 14 years+ in the market Spider has significant experience in sourcing and supplying personnel for bulk recruitment, project recruitment, International Placements, and customised solutions tailored specifically for you. Spider Personnel also has an established labour hire / temp supply arm, and they offer you a range of options and solutions that would be right for your requirements.

International Placements
Recruitment service

How does the recruitment process take place?

Each client is different so Spider offers a customised solution for each client, by using best practice recruitment systems acquired through their extensive experience and 14years+ service in the industry. The best way is to enquire via the last page on the website or get in touch with their business manager directly who will direct you to the right consultant or team. Phone Dan on 021 717 280 or email Being a smaller and more specialist recruiter, Spider focuses on quality. Quality of the candidate/s they supply and the quality of their service. It’s not just a numbers game with Spider. They are experienced, qualified, recruitment and human resource professionals. We guarantee the quality of our Recruitment service. Spider Personnel has a wide channel of networks and resources including a very good social media platform/presence that they tap into when recruiting for a position. For permanent positions/roles: We can provide an end to end recruitment solution. This covers briefing, personal meeting on site, advertising, short-listing, candidate presentation/s, interviews, references and other relevant checks and then placement. Followed by post placement checks and service. The process is thorough and results focused. ‘We will get it right or you, and if we don’t we will fix it’.

If you are a temp candidate, please like and follow or Facebook page for more information about hire labours in Auckland . to be notified of all new roles that are listed. Contact them via phone on 09 271 2475 or 021 717 280, or send them an email on One of the team will respond to you promptly. The signing up process is simple, however we are looking for superior workers/temps. Spider is more robust in it’s interviewing to ensure we build a pool of top quality talent. Once registered Spider will do its best to place you into a role that you prefer, not push you into roles and positions just for the sake of it.

How much will I likely earn in my first job?

As a smaller and specialist agency in Auckland we try to assist our temps/casuals into career type opportunities or get you roles that both fit your requirements and also offer you a string chance of securing a permanent role. We prefer not to shift casuals from role to role, we don’t think this is helpful for the candidates. Your pay rate depends on the role and requirements, however the minimum rate shall be $21.20hr from 1st April 2022, and the maximum depends on client specific requirements. You will always be told what your pay rate will be prior to commencing a role.


 hire requirements
Auckland labour hire

Do you follow a code of ethics?

An ethical approach to labour supply of Auckland labour hire takes proper care of candidates. They are casuals, but there are not a number; they get treated the right way with us; that is why our casuals work so much harder and are so much more reliable compared to our competitors. Most of our causal workers always prefer to deal exclusively with us. We pay better rates, we offer them a proper opportunity and always willing to help if they have any issues.


How cost-effective are labour-hire agencies?

The labour hire services for your process needs are very cost-effective. There is less red tape and paperwork involved, which makes the hiring process quick, efficient and less costly; reduced HR expenses for clients as the labour hire provider takes care of the bulk of the work; greater workforce flexibility enables businesses to adjust the number of workers to suit workloads; and standard pricing that includes taxes and related insurances making budgetary planning quite easy.


In a tight/tough labour market, the temp to perm option offered by Spider Personnel Ltd is a great way to recruit, lower risk for you, as it provides you with complete control and if someone does meet your expectations they can be quickly replaced.


You make a commitment when you are ready. It is also favorable for the temp as they too have the ability to ensure that a new place of work suits their requirements. I.e. are people helpful and friendly, do they actually like the work etc…

labour hire services

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